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Stress Relief

Who doesn't have stressors or triggers in their life? Too much stress, if gone unchecked, can lead to chronic headaches, sleep problems, relationship problems, and more. Harvard researchers estimate that 80% of doctors' visits are caused by stress. If gone unchecked, stress can lead to chronic headaches, sleep problems, relationship problems, and more.


Good news - the Harvard study shows that mindfulness activities like yoga and meditation can reduce stress and improve brain health.


Learn meditations in minutes through the FREE Stress Relief Program offered through The Empowered Heart's online Empowered Heart Circle for Stress Relief Program.


If the stress is too deep, then maybe it needs to be addressed at the subconscious level. Consider a PSYCH-K® whole-brain balance to transform the stress or traumatic event and create peace from within.  


FREE Program

Stress Relief Program

Learn meditations and other techniques in minutes for stress relief through The Empowered Heart's online Stress Relief Program (aka Empowered Heart Circle for Stress Relief).

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Transform Deep Stress Now 

PSYCH-K® Balance

Sometimes a more powerful modality is needed to transform deep stressful or traumatic events. What if there is a way to transform your life for the better in minutes? This is the power of a PSYCH-K® whole-brain balance.

Contact Agnes

Contact Agnes about her rates for speaking engagements and live workshops for Stress Relief.

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